The PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores) remains strong

The anguish picture of the first ballot in Brazil needs a pause. Despite the fierce attack to the PT, the proscription of its maximum leader, the worker formation party obtained almost the 30 percent of the votes, and that way becames the first minority in deputies chamber and still being the main representative of the workers.


Against the hate loaded attacks towards the PT, we must highlight the great election they did. The PT got over the unfair imprisonment against Lula da Silva, that  if he would have been allowed to participate this Sunday probably would had won the elections in the first ballot. Instead of that, the PT was forced to bet for a substitute candidate that almost had a month of campaign, who took charge of the situation.


During this period, Fernando Haddad gathered to grow up from 4% to 29.2% of the votes. And in these three weeks of campaign the objective of all the progressive forces in Brazil is to reach the 50% plus one vote, that according to the electoral system in the country would put Haddad in the presidency of the Republic.


Today there are clearly two projects of country in Brazil that affect also the future of the rest of the region. One of them looks forward to a way of integration, multiculturalism, tolerance and democracy strengthening the Mercosur, the Unasur, the Celac with the project of Lula, the maximum worker leader of the region unfairly imprisoned, criminalized and attacked for his project of social justice for brazilians. It’s the project of the candidates Fernando Haddad and Manuela Davila. As their slogan express, it’s the promise to “make Brazil happy again”, return to an active, democratic, plural and just State. In addition to this, it’s an opportunity to leave behind and close this dark chapter started with the parliamentary coup against the president Dilma Rouseff two years ago.


The other project is represented by a dark figure, without progressive or positive ideas for a country project. It seeks to return return our region to our darkest times during the long dictatorship regimes, a regression that the Latin Americans certainly don’t want to repeat. Jair Bolsonaro means hate and violence. He spreads this two elements everytime and everywhere he speaks in a country which is a continent of diversity and tolerance. Hate against the poorest, against the workers, against the women, against the LGTB minorities, against the PT and all the progressive forces in Brazil. And to top it all, he adores the military dictatorships, the justice by own hand, the torture and the freedon to carry firearms. His life is violence. But people need peace.


International delegations of unionist, social and politics organizations of Latin America, USA and Europe, join these 6th and 7th october the comrades of the CUT, the PT and the PCdoB because the struggle of the brazilian people for the democracy and for freedom is also our fight. The fall of Brazil in the hands of fascism and the ultraliberalism will affect the rest of the countries of our region, breaking into peaces the slogan about Latin America as a peace region.


There is no doubt that left and progressive forces in the power must practice an exercise of self-criticism, but the time for that will be after the October 28th. The second ballot is our horizon and goal to defeat the fascism first of everything else.


This is the zero point of start for new campaign period where two antagonistic candidates, as well as the workers, social leaders, fighters for human rights, minorities and the weakest will fight for Brazil, that is to fight for a better future for them and their children.


Lula and the PT brought happiness to the people in Brazil. 40 million citizens left the poverty, others accessed to soft credits for a home, starting a business, having a car. 13 federal universities were created and progressive laws to protect the poor, black and indigenous people were approved so that they can access to high studies, banned for them in the past.


This is the Brazil for that we all fight. Good women and men. The PT remains strong. We do too.

*Author: Fito Aguirre, Secretary of the International Relationships of the CTA Autonomous.

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